Top Quality Management
Best Management Practices

I. Process control
II. Basic business processes.
III. Corporate control regulations.
IV. MK-OS methodology
V. Primary operating processes.
VI. Directive control scorecard.
VII. Strategic planning.
VIII. Measurement, analysis and improvement.
IX. Continuous improvement.

The MK-OS methodolgy enables structuring designing, controlling and planning all organizational activities, starting from their basic processes, based ona a "systemic" approach that optimizes the human factor performance.

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World Class Leadership
Supported on Solid Universal Values

I. Man and business.
II. Self-esteem.
III. Emotional intelligence.
IV. Effective leadership.
V. The 4 temperaments.
VI. Leadership skills.
VII. Highly effective people.
VIII. Coherent organizations.
IX. Business assassins.

True leadership motivates and engages, its predicted with facts not with words, and it is supported on solid universal virtues that all teammates are willing to sharing and defending.

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Business Strategy: The Road Map
Defining Business Success or Failure

I. Strategy concepts.
II. Battlefield strategy.
III. Strategic planning.
IV. Market analysis.
V. Value chain.
VI. Price strategy.
VII. Competitive advantage.
VIII. SWOT analysis.
IX. Alfa group strategy.

"Strategy" is a term used to identify all activities which define the path of organizations and corporations. Its importance is fundamental to achieving short, medium and long term results.

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Mexico Before the World
Trailing for the Tenth World Economic Place

I. Mexico in the world.
II. Government and democracy.
III. Civil society values
IV. Conflict attitude.
V. Law respect.
VI. Development indicators.
VII. Competitiveness evaluation.
VIII. Problematic factors.
IX. Ex-Presidents analysis.

Mexican corporations cannot longer operate with ancestral practices. It is now required to compete against world giants who venthure with higher quality and low cost products and services.

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Business Engineering
Based on ISO 9001:2008

I. Process control.
II. Process based aproach.
III. Process design.
IV. Management tools.
V. Operating procedures.
VI. Management responsability.
VII. Productive chain.
VIII. Measurement, analysis and improvement.
IX. Continuous improvement.

Top management solutions based on world class practices, discussing fundamental concepts of ISO 9001:2008 application, with a marked orientation towards top managing activities.

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An Efficient Family Business
Assuring Today the Business Sustaintability

I. Family model.
II. Corporative model.
III. Family business culture.
IV. Family business operation.
V. Quality management system.
VI. Governance structure.
VII. Succession process.
VIII. Succession alternatives.
IX. An integral solution.

Clear and precise solutions for the application of business efficiency and quality management concepts, as the most powerful tool of governance for a family business.

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The Marketing Power
Minimizing Sales Efforts

I. Commercial life cycle.
II. Consumer behavior.
III. Marketing system.
IV. Market analysis.
V. Business intelligence.
VI. Promotion and advertising.
VII. Customer relation.
VIII. Commercial organization.
IX. Negotiation.

Who really knows, understands and serves the market, is able to fit his/her products and services to fit its specific requirements so they practically sell themselves. Such is the marketing power...

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3G Salesmen
Successful Sales are Based on Trust

I. Mand and sales.
II. Human communication.
III. Business efficiency.
IV. Marketing and sales.
V. 3G salesmen.
VI. SPIN® Methodology.
VII. Effective negotiation.
VIII. Commercial management.
IX. Customer satisfaction.

To accomplish successful sales requires generating trust by the salesman in the purchaser, on his/her own person, on the quality of products and services, but above all on the VALUE involved in the transaction.

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